Optimal function of cardiovascular health; cognitive health; healthy vision and hearing; new muscle development and retention; muscle cell energy production and renewal.*
100mg of highly bioavailable CoQ10, sourced from Nature, is delivered in a clinically proven dose • Exclusive NeoLife Mitogenic Phyto-lipid & Sterol Blend. Sourced from whole grain lipids and sterols known to help support optimal mitochondrial structure and function. • NeoLife Proprietary Polyphenol Blend delivers whole-food sourced polyphenols • L-cysteine, the “rate-limiting” amino acid needed for cellular biosynthesis of the mitochondrial protector glutathione.
• Digestion begins in as little as 2 minutes promoting rapid absorption
Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone) is an essential antioxidant for energy production, healthy heart function, and many other critical functions of the body. Our natural production of CoQ10 slows as we age, often by more than 50% by age 50!
• No artificial anything! No artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, or preservatives! • CoQ10 is sourced from Nature.