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Neolife / GNLD Products Recommendation - I, J, K, L

Article Index

ICHTHYOSIS (SCALY SKIN) A disease that affects the skin and makes it look as scaly as that of a fish
1x1 Vit. B Co. (S.R)

1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x3 Carotenoid Complex

IMMUNE SYSTEM WEAK Likely to get an infection or open to any disease 1x3 Carotenoid Complex can take up to or sachet of phytodefence daily,
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus

IMPOTENCE/ LIBIDO Lack of strength in the sexual organ not able to engage in sexual intercourse
1x3 Carotenoid Complex can take up to or sachet of phytodefence daily,
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus

INDIGESTION Inability to grind or change food into the stage ready for absorption into the body
1x3 Smart 8

1x3 Tre-en-en
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
4x3 Fibre Tabs

INFECTION The attack of disease due to certain micro organism or matter into the body
1x2-3 Garlic Allium Complex

1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Beta-Guard

1x3 Tre-en-en

INFERTILITY (MAN) Barren, not fertile not able to reproduce or make a woman pregnant Masculine Herbal Complex
1x3 Ami-Tone
1x2 Vit. E Caps

1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
1x3 Chelated Zinc
1x3 Tre-en-en

INFERTILITY (WOMAN) Barren, not fertile not able to reproduce or pregnant Feminine Herbal Complex
1x3 Ami-Tone
1x2 Vit. E Caps

1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
1x3 Chelated Zinc
1x3 Tre-en-en

2x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C

1x3 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
1x3 Chelated Zinc
1x3 Tre-en-en

Aloe Vera plus

INSOMNIA (SLEEPNESSNESS) Inability to sleep Herbal Rest & Relax
1x3 Chelated Cal-Mag
50ml Aloe Vera plus in the evening
1x3 Tre-en-en

INTESTINES Ailment of the lower part of the alimentary canal e.g Stomach
1x3 Smart 8

1x3 Carotenoid Complex

JAUNDICE A disease that cause yellownesss of the skin the white part of the eyes
1x3 Carotenoid Complex

1x1 Formula IV Plus
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x Vit. B Co. (S.R)

1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C

KIDNEY PROBLEM Inability of an organ to separate water and waste from the blood e.g urine through the bladder Pure Water,
1x2 Garlic Allium Complex
Smart 8
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)

1x3 Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa
1x3 Tre-en-en

Masculine/feminine Herbal Comp.

KWASHIORKOR Abnormal accumulations of mineral salts which forms in the kidney but may lodge any where in the urinary tract 1x2 Vit. B Co (s.r)
1x3 Tre-en-en

1x3 Vit. A&D
Masculine Herbal Comp.
1x3 Chelated Cal-Mag
3 Headed scoops Protein Powder

Retarded growth Feel Better Programme for children

1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
1x1 Multi,
1x3 Tre-en-en

MISCARRIAGE ( PREVENTION) The inability of developing pregnancy Optimum Energy Prog.
1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
1x1 Multi,
1x3 Tre-en-en

LEARNING DISABILITY (CHILDREN) Having poor memory of remembering information and being slow to understand
1x3 Vita Squares
1x3 Tre-en-en

1x2 Vita Guard
2 Headed Scoops Nutrishake
2x3 Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus
1x1 Herb Rest and Relax older than 9 years
1x2 Formula IV Plus

LEARNING DISABILITY (ADULT) Having poor memory of remembering information and being slow to understand
1x3 Chelated Zinc

1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
1x2 Chelated Cal-Mag
1x3 Tre-en-en

1x2 Herbal Rest & Relax
1x2 Mind Enhancer Formula
2x3 Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus

LIVER DISORDER The inability of the largest glandular organ in man to secrete bile and has an important work in metabolism to function
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)

1x3 Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus
1x2 Beta-Guard
2 Neolife shake powder,
1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Smart 8

Detox. Progr.
1x3 Tre-en-en


LOW BLOOD SUGAR See Hypoglycemia

LUNGS Pneumoconiosis morbid condition due to inhalation of moldy hay dust Herbal Resp. Formula
1x3 Beta-Guard
1x3 Carotenoid Complex
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa
1x3 Tre-en-en

LYMPH GLANDS Located in the neck, armpits and groin
2x3 Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa

1x3 Carotenoid Complex
4x3 Fibre Tabs

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