Neolife / GNLD Products Recommendation - E
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ECZEMA Itching and formation of scales on the skin
1x3 Vit. A&D,
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R) wash with care & LDC
1x1 Pro-Vitality Plus
EDEMA An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the intercellular spaces of the body
1x2 Garlic Allium Complex
1x2 Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C with purified water
1x1 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
1x3 Tre-en-en
ENDOMETRIOSIS (UTERUS) Feminine Herbal Complex
1x2 Vitamin E,
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x1 Chelated Iron
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
ENLARGED (UTERUS) Uterus becomes bigger than the normal size and it can cause miscarriage or premature birth
1x2 Vitamin E,
1x3Vit. B Co. (S.R)
1x1 Chelated Iron
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
Formula IV Plus
EMOTIONAL PROBLEM Issue connection to excessive thinking, it cn lead to rise in blood pressure and loss of appetite tiredness, weakness and loss in weight
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
1x3 Chelated Cal-Magg & 50ml
Aloe Vera plus in the evening
Herbal Rest & Relax
Formula IV Plus
1x3 Tre-en-en
EMPHYSEMA Enlargement of air sacs of the lungs causing breathlessness (Making Breathing difficult)
1x3 Carotenoid Complex
1x3 Tre-en-en
Herbal Resp. Formula
1x2 Vitamin Caps
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
EPILEPSY (ADULT) A disease of the nervous system characterized by convulsion and unconsciousness 1x3 Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa
1x3 Chelated Cal-Mag/ 1x3 Full Motion
1x3 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
Herbal Rest & Relax
Formula IV Plus
1x3 Tre-en-en
EPILEPSY (CHILD) SEE ABOVE 2 Headed Scoops Nutrishake
1x3 Tre-en-en,
1x3 Chelated Cal-Mag
1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x1 Herbal Rest & Relax
1x2 Vita Squares
1x2 Vita Guard
EYE (DRY) Harm caused to the transparent outer coat of the eyeball, covering the iris and pupil.
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Vitamin A&D
1x2 Flavonoid
1x3 Tre-en-en
EYE (CORNEAL DAMAGE) Poor vision in the dark or in dim light happens especially after 6:00pm
1x3 Vitamin A&D
1x3 Carotenoid Complex
1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Vitamin A&D,
1x2 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Beta-Guard
1x3 Tre-en-en
1x3 Wheat germ oil
1x1 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Flavonoid Complex
1x3 Tre-en-en
EYES (TIRED) Eyes problem normally associated with long hour of stay without sleep.
1x1 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x3 Flavonoid Complex
1x3 Tre-en-en
EYES (CONJUNCTIVITIS) The inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the inner surface of the eye lids and covering the front part of the eyeball
1x2 Carotenoid Complex
1x3 Vit. C (s.r) / All C
1x2 Vit. B Co. (S.R)
1x2 Chelated Cal-Mag
1x3 Tre-en-en
EYES INFECTION Eyes problem normally associated with children
1x3 Vitamin A&D
1x3 Vita Squares
1x3 Vita Guard
2x3 Garlic Allium Complex